I only spent about 3-4 hours total in Chicago on the way to and from the airport, and the rest of my weekend was spent in Hobart, IN with my family. Chicago was lovely…wish I could have spent more time there, but seeing the whole family was well worth not being there as long as I would like. I had to go back to work today, but the rest of the fam will be there until Wednesday so they will be spending some time in the city. Things I did get to do and see there:
So so delicious.
Lots of traffic.
Hanging out in the hotel…my sweet Grandma was amazed at my digital camera(she is still a 35-mm gal) and took this pic of me
It was a really fast, really fun trip…and now I’m trying to keep myself awake since I’ve wanted to fall asleep since 4pm today. Time to snooze soon….
Stormie Dae
Chyrl Kelley
Jun 28, 2011 -
You need to go again so you can shop Michigan Ave. They also have some really upscale thrift shops in Chicago.
Jun 28, 2011 -
Yes heading there again in about an hour to walk around a pier? I don’t remember the name. Aunt Tami told us but all I can think of is Fisherman’s Warf and I think that is in San Fransico. Any way, wish you were still here xxoo dad
Aunt Dawn
Jun 28, 2011 -
Missed you when you left, but so glad for the short time you were able to spend with all of us. ( When you come back, we will take you to Navy Pier and Michigan Ave ;) There is still an empty place in our hearts for Steph and her family.
Jun 29, 2011 -
WISH you could have stayed around! It was so fun. LOTS of thrifting there, just a cool city! CRAZY driving, though.