
Yesterday I was planning to go thrifting like I usually do, but I ran across the most wonderful garage sales (about 16 of them – all on the same block), and decided to forgo the 20 minute drive to the thrift store, and treasure hunt right there.  When I first drove up, I only had $8 in my pocket, so I went to the bank to withdraw some cash.  I must have been really excited, because I totally spaced the fact that my car keys were laying on the front seat when I got out, and locked the doors behind me.  Rats.  Since we only have 1 car, I had to wait for my Dad to go pick up Tristan and the kids, and bring them (and our spare keys) down to me.  This could have easily been a growling, expletive-using, everything sucks moment, but fortunately, my bank is in the same parking lot as a Starbucks.  Saved!  I headed over and enjoyed an iced coffee and literally thanked God that I have an iPhone to keep me company during times like these:)

We finally made it back to the sales, and there were lots of goodies to be found:

Hungry Hungry Hippos.  It was one of my favorite games when I was little.  Guini and Gemma fight over who gets the pink hippo.

Floral dress – I really loved the print of this dress, but it needs hemmed, a different neckline, and updated sleeves.  Perhaps a Project ReStyle is in order?

U.S. State Quarters Display.  No, I don’t collect coins, but I will love this when the shelves have been taken off, and it is painted.  This will be a definite Project ReStyle.

Mr. & Mrs. Claus.  Aren’t they so darling?  I can’t wait to use them at Christmas time!

I got all of the above items for only $2.25.  I love cute, cheap bargains!  I also got several other items for both MayDae and FIBBIE including – a Royal typewriter, Polaroid camera, necklace & kitchen organizer but you will have to wait to see those until they are listed:)

Totally off subject, but I just took this photo of my living room floor this morning.  I have to admit that even though I love my kids, sometimes I look around the house and think, “if we didn’t have any kids living here, what messes would still be here?”.  It sounds a little petty when I actually type that out, but I am trying to be honest with you.  Today is different too, because most of the time, I would also have items laying around the living room – magazines, coupons, shoes, sewing supplies, coffee cup, ect…  I am definitely on the messy side, and cleaning and organizing doesn’t come naturally to me.  It’s been that way for as long as I can remember.  Tristan is opposite of me – he likes a clean, stark space- the less objects around, the better.  As you can imagine, we are sometimes at odds about our different views on a “clean house”.  I’m not saying that I won’t clean up our living room today – I definitely will…at some point:)

Are you the messy one or the clean one?


Stephanie May*