Our family started a Thanks Tree earlier this week. I really want our kids to take the time to think about the things that they have and also take the time to be thankful for them. I got the idea after reading this post, and…
Our family started a Thanks Tree earlier this week. I really want our kids to take the time to think about the things that they have and also take the time to be thankful for them. I got the idea after reading this post, and…
I have been at my current job for 7.5 years now. Some days it feels like it’s been much less than that but then others I feel every.single.day. While I haven’t spent much time decorating the dark cubicle where I spend most of my time,…
Fall = goodness. Honestly, everything about it. It’s crunching leaves, it’s scarves, it’s warming up inside while it’s chilly outside, it’s drinking numerous amounts of hot coffee, it’s calm. But the food…oh the food. Apple, cinnamon, pumpkin, caramel. Yum. In addition to all of these…
I LOVE and adore Christmas, but often it can seem that Thanksgiving decor gets rolled over by Christmas decor. I went shopping yesterday and saw lots of shiny bulbs, trees, and lights hanging in the stores, but not a single thing for good ol’ T-day….
You know what is sort of the best? Taking a whole series of photos in a rush and not realizing until the next day that most of them turned out like this: I could put together an entire photo album of blurry pictures I’ve taken…
Seriously…I feel like I am always on the brink of getting sick, sick, or just getting over being sick. Gahhh. I know, I know – it’s the complete lack of sleep and working too much that’s to blame. And what is so weird on top…
I learned how to make these paper bag flowers for my sister’s bridal shower last month, and I thought I would show you all how to make them too. They are super easy, and so cute! Here’s what you’ll need: string or yarn tape hole…
Halloween came and went in a blur! I wanted to make the kids costumes again this year (see their’s from last year), but of course, I got a late late start to them, and didn’t like how they were turning out. *sigh* I was very…