I know you are all just sitting there, at home, wondering what you could possibly do with your weekend. You have absolutely nothing to do…don’t deny it. Have no fear, I have just the thing! Wouldn’t it make your weekend perfect to do some delicious…
I know you are all just sitting there, at home, wondering what you could possibly do with your weekend. You have absolutely nothing to do…don’t deny it. Have no fear, I have just the thing! Wouldn’t it make your weekend perfect to do some delicious…
Hi! It’s been a loooong time since I’ve written about Project Runway, and I finally got around to watching Season 9 a few weeks ago. I won’t talk too much about it here, in case some of you are waaaay behind and haven’t seen it…
I am in need of a hair color change again. I have decided, for the time being, not to cut my hair super short like this lady makes me want to do (maybe at some point though…). I do want to change the color though…I…
My daughters are 6 & 4. They are always very willing to “play dress-up” for my Fibbie photos, and I am always very grateful. I love taking photos of them together – they are so sweet with each other. I mean, how cute are they?
Hello lovelies! This weekend I took a lot of time to relax and get some rest (& I may or may not have watched 13+ episodes of Gilmore Girls). I also did this: Yep, that’s Chris – hanging out at my house for the third…
I love Instagram a lot lot lot. I’ve been using it on my iPhone for about 7 months, and I post photos almost everyday (if you would like to follow me, my user name is: stephanie_may ). I love following friends and blog authors that…
I saw Bonnie Gregory at a Christmas concert this past December and could not get over how much I loved her hair. She is the sister of a good family friend (of whom I may or may not have annoyed with talking about said sister’s…
This week has flown by! I have been working on some new listings for my vintage kid’s clothing shop – FIBBIE. Head over and take a look – there’s lots more to come!
Mexican food is the best. That may be a bold statement, but I stand behind it 100%. I could eat Mexican food everyday for the rest of my life and be completely content (this is probably thanks to my dad, who makes a mean Mexican…
Today I am working on some new FIBBIE listings! I took a major break over the past few months, and I am ready to dive back in head-first. I can’t believe that I opened the shop over 9 months ago! I have loads and loads…