Raise your hand if you’re a dad

Stormie Dae and I are really blessed with a great Dad – Happy Father’s Day!  We love him lots and lots:)  Also, Happy Father’s Day to my dad-in-law Larry!  Oh, and happy father’s day to….well, all the dads that I know – I think you are all swell!

There is another dad in particular that I am really impressed by:

Tristan is an incredible Dad.  He amazes me every day with patience, kind words, and love that he showers on our kids.  He is hilarious with them, and feels no shame in running around the house hiding in cupboards for Hide-n-seek.  I hope that they grow up to be just like him, because he’s pretty cool.  We love him big time.

Today, I got up early and cooked a big breakfast – french toast, hash browns, and bacon.  Tristan opened his dads-day gifts afterwards – he got some cute things from the kids and some clothes and a gift card.  I cleaned around the house, and we took him out for mexican food for lunch.  Now he is clothes shopping with his gift card – can’t wait to see what he gets!  He is definitely a hot dad:)

I got some new things yesterday at garage sales, so I will show you as soon as I take photos.

Happy Father’s Day!


Stephanie May*