I can’t believe that the winter break for my kid’s school is starting in 10 days! December will be over before we know it, and I am really trying to stop making lists, stop making goals, and even stop making gifts, and instead start making memories. Will my kids remember my hours spent on making them a gift or shopping at Target for toys? Or will they remember spending time with me – sitting in my lap, reading a book together, and eating a special meal with them? I hope it’s the latter.
Last year Tristan and I decided to start a new Christmas tradition. We made a big special dinner for just us and the kids. No phones, computers, or other people were invited. Just the 5 of us. We made fancy food that we don’t usually eat – strawberry lemonade, burgers with onion and feta cheese, spinach artichoke dip, creamy pomodoro soup, and fried ice cream. We lit candles, turned on music, and sat around the table eating and talking and smiling. I hope that it was a night that my kids will always remember, and associate Christmas time with:) I can’t wait for this year’s dinner! What are your favorite Christmas traditions from when you were little?
Speaking of Christmas traditions – I am really disliking traditional Christmas trees this year. Real or fake, I have no interest. We set ours up in the living room, and it took me over a week before I could even put ornaments on it, and even then, I only put about 15 silver ornaments and cringed. I really really want to take it down and build something like this:
Or this:
Aren’t they both so lovely?! Does anyone want to make one of these for me this week? Otherwise…I may or may not have a Christmas tree this year….would that be a horrible thing?
Dec 7, 2010 -
I really like the second one. I am building a headboard for my guest room just like the 2nd Christmas tree! I love it. I wish I had time to make one for you…
Jenny Freyta
Dec 7, 2010 -
I like the first one- so fun! I love that picture, and what a great tradition, Steph. It looks and sounds so cozy. I might have to copy that tradition! :) Love it.
Dec 7, 2010 -
I like the second one a lot also….pretty bomb. I do still like traditional Christmas trees though, they are fun and I can’t wait to have one of my own….someday, someday:)
Dec 7, 2010 -
Some years you just need to “skip Christmas” like the John Grisham book talks about (but not like the stupid movie starring Tim Allen that butchered the book). Then sometimes over-the-top can be fun. I like doing it early so I can enjoy it more. Late start this year-less fun. But I cherish the symbols and the legacy of time and love they represent to me. the fun, new modern twists are cute, too. Yet, more and more, I am in love with the tree that is shaggy and overloaded with homemade ornaments and tinsel and red ribbon and everygreen – just like in the warm childhood memories I hold so close to my heart. Traditions are blessed because in the remembering, we hold treasure of great worth…
Dec 7, 2010 -
My excuse this year for not doing a tree was having a new puppy. I caved and put up a 2-foot one and the candles in the window. That’s it! Now if I lived closer to my grandchildren, I would get out the trees and decorations and let them go to town! And I knkow it would be the most beautiful tree in the world.
I’m glad you are making a family memory with your candlelit dinner. That is important. Does Tristan remeber his traditions? (movie on Christmas eve afternoon, church at night, and new pajamas?)
Dec 8, 2010 -
We started a tradition about 25 yrs ago before the kids were born. We have great appetizers and open presents on Christmas Eve. My kids are now in their 20’s and look forward to it every year.
MayDae » Christmas Dinner:: Fashion, Design, Decor
Dec 23, 2010 -
[…] Hi people! I’m sure this is a really really busy week for all of you, but I hope that you are finding time to have fun too:) My family had our 2nd annual have-anything-we-want-that-is-yummy-dinner on Tuesday night. It was so much fun, and very much needed in all of the chaos of Christmas week. You can read about our 2009 dinner here. […]