They are back! The first day of school happened in a flash, and the kids are back home telling us all kinds of stories about lunch, desk mates, and things their teachers told them. What did I do while they were away you ask? I came home, made coffee and went back to bed! Haha, well I didn’t actually go to sleep, but I did take a nice long rest before going thrifting with Tristan and having lunch. It was a very fun first-day-of-school date, and I’m super excited to have more of them in the coming weeks (more on that later) :)
What did YOU do today?
Aug 18, 2013 -
Photos are really beautiful. The kids are amazing! You and Tris are raising some incredibles!
Aug 21, 2013 -
Okay I know this so cliche but they are seriously growing up too fast! I can’t believe they are all in full day school now. Sniff sniff. You and Tris have fun!!