Hi guys! Happy 4th of July and HAPPY day-after-our-3rd-Whole 30! Yup, we finished our third round of the Whole 30 yesterday and we are soooooo proud and excited that we powered through another one. We did this one just like our other two – we gave it 100% of our devotion, 100% of the time, and it feels spectacular all over again (you can read about our 1st one here, and our 2nd one here).
Our experience with this Whole 30 was completely different from our first two. Our “detox” in the beginning was very very short, and didn’t really affect us for more than a couple of days. We felt like seasoned veterans doing it for a third time, and everything just felt more organic and natural this time. When we did our very first one last June, the paleo way of eating was completely new and foreign to us, and we really had to teach and educate ourselves on every little thing that we ate – it was so much research and reading, it felt like it took SO much work back then. In fact, the eating part of this one was probably the easiest aspect. The part that was the hardest, was not using phones or computers at meal times, and also not snacking in between meals. But, it definitely made us see how much we mindlessly snack when our bodies really don’t “need” those snacks.
I took a few new progress pics, but our timing was bad, and Tristan was gone when I took them, so it’s just me this time:( That’s okay, we will get some new ones of both of us together soon (he looks way way hot – you can take my word for it).
It wasn’t part of our plan to do a third Whole 30 to lose more weight – we had both already lost WAY more than we ever expected, and we were both happy and satisfied with our weight when we started (I know, what a crazy and GREAT feeling that is right?!). In fact, I was pretty certain that neither of us would lose any weight. Since we didn’t weigh ourselves for the entire 30 days (don’t cheat on that rule! It can be SO rewarding), we JUST found out our progress this morning.
Here are our results from our 3rd Whole 30:
I lost 7.2 lbs and .75″ off my waist in the 30 days. Since starting our Whole 30 and Paleo journey, I’ve lost a total of 66.2 lbs, and a total of 13″ off my waist in 13 months!
Tristan lost 6.0 lbs in the 30 days. Since starting our Whole 30 and Paleo journey, he’s lost a total of 38.4 lbs in 13 months! I don’t have his measurements from this time because he forgot to take them, but I’m sure that he has lost inches as well.
We are both BLOWN AWAY with our results! I really really didn’t think that I would lose any weight at all this time, and I definitely didn’t think it would be more than 1 or 2 lbs if I did. I had been fluctuating between a total of 59-61 lbs lost since about mid-February, so I just kind of thought that was where I was going to “land” in my weight loss. I was wrong! People had told me that I was looking thinner, but I just didn’t see it myself – I felt pretty much the same.
You know it wouldn’t be one of my Whole 30 posts without a fun “Before & After”. In the first photo from last year, my youngest, Gemma couldn’t get her arms all the way around me – and now, it’s no problem for her at all. I still can’t believe that that was me just over a year ago! I just feel so different now, and it’s hard to remember a time when we weren’t eating paleo, and putting our health at such a high priority.
I made this “video timeline” on my Instagram this week – it’s fun to see photos from each month and see just how quickly this transformation took place – 13 months! Crazy.
We are so happy that we found the Whole 30. It has completely changed our way of thinking when it comes to food and exercise – and really, it has changed our entire lives this past year! It has taken away physical pain in our bodies, removed heavy, excess weight that we were carrying with us for far too long. It has broken our mental battles with food, given us strength, energy, and motivation to continue and stick with this better lifestyle. It’s opened our eyes and given us the knowledge and understanding of how badly were were treating our bodies before. And that, is really the biggest success of this whole process – yes, it’s great to lose weight, but it’s SO much better to have made the connection that each tiny choice and decision DOES make a difference. Our choices all add up – every bite of food (good or bad), every moment of exercise (or sedentary moment) – individually, they don’t seem like much, but all together? They make a DIFFERENCE. A big one.
I have found such a love for the Whole 30 community – all of the encouraging words from friends and strangers alike have been so inspiring and fantastic. Thank you SO SO much for following along with us on our journey, and taking the time to comment, send texts, messages and emails, for wanting to sit down with us and just talk about the changes we’ve made. You all are so supportive. It really really means so much to me – I can’t even tell you. Thank you friends! ♥
maggie fran
Jul 5, 2014 -
whoa! great job, you look fantastic!
Stephanie May
Jul 6, 2014 -
Thank you so much! :)
Jul 6, 2014 -
Congratulations! You look fantastic
Stephanie May
Jul 6, 2014 -
Thank you so much! <3
Jul 6, 2014 -
Love your story AND positive attitude! Can’t wait to share my story a year from now. Day 14 for me, first time around and LOVIN it! Keep it up Stephanie!
Stephanie May
Jul 6, 2014 -
Thank you Beckie! Congrats on Day 14! Making it to the halfway mark is SUCH a great feeling – keep going! <3
Jul 7, 2014 -
Love it girl :D I was wondering – how do you guys keep up your weight loss in between Whole30 challenges? What aspects do you stick with and how does your diet change?
Stephanie May
Jul 23, 2014 -
Thank you so much Mallory! We have stayed with a pretty strict “regular” paleo diet in-between our Whole 30s. I allow things like honey and maple syrup and making paleo desserts and “breads” when we aren’t Whole 30ing:)
Jul 9, 2014 -
Wow! This is so inspiring! I’m going to start this Whole 30 diet tomorrow, but I’m so nervous I won’t be successful. I guess I’ll just take it one day, one meal, one bite at a time. So proud of you for changing your life. You’ve given me hope to change mine, too!
Stephanie May
Jul 23, 2014 -
Exactly Kari! That’s a great way to go about it – just one meal at a time. Thank you so much for your sweet compliments:)
Bob jones
Jul 17, 2014 -
Nicely done! I have been edging into paleo for a month or so. I think that after viewing your progress (thanks for those awesome pics!) Now I think that it is soon time to make the total W30 commitment. If I could lose just 10 pounds in one month I would freak out!
Stephanie May
Jul 23, 2014 -
Thanks Bob! You can totally do it – if I can, ANYONE can, and I really mean that! Good luck to you!
Jul 18, 2014 -
My word! that’s fantastic!
Stephanie May
Jul 23, 2014 -
Thank you so much for your encouragement! <3
Jul 27, 2014 -
Just makes me smile. Also because you didn’t blame us {you could have} for teaching you terrible eating habits {we did} and you are just getting better everyday! Love you honey.
Stephanie May
Aug 18, 2014 -
Thank you mom! And no, I don’t blame anyone but myself for where I was! Thanks for always being so so supportive and making yummy foods for us:) <3
Leigh Havelick
Jul 31, 2014 -
You are such a beautiful inspiration. I just completed my first Whole30 and found your website through Facebook. I have shared it numerous times. Your photos are amazing proof of how effective and transformational Whole30 is. You should be very proud of yourself. Thank you for sharing your journey! I look forward to reading more.
Stephanie May
Aug 18, 2014 -
Thank you SO much Leigh! I am very proud of myself – and you! Congrats to you and all of your hard work:) Thank you so much for your encouragement! <3
Aug 29, 2014 -
Just stumbled across your blog and I’m so happy I did! You’re such an inspiration! My boyfriend and I are going to start the whole 30 tomorrow and I can’t wait. Out of curiosity, have you stayed completely on track for the 13 months with no glasses of wine or anything? I just can’t imagine not having a glass or two of wine on occasion!!
Sep 2, 2014 -
My sisters and I are embarking on our first Whole30 and couldn’t be more excited! I found your site and have enjoyed reading about your paleo journey, so thanks for sharing! One question – where are the rules that about snacking and eating meals without electronics? I’ve navigated the entire Whole30 site and couldn’t find those guidelines anywhere! Thanks!
Sep 9, 2014 -
I am on day 2 of my first time and in my all obsessed psychosis, stumbled upon your blog. I am in love! This is exactly what I was looking for to motivate me. I about the same size you were on your first round. I have hit that point where I was just done feeling sick & tired and needed vegetables & a swift kick in bum! So, I am here. Keep posting, so inspirational! Thanks!
Ann Marie
Nov 7, 2014 -
I just wanted to drop a note to say thanks so much for sharing your experience! This post is a place I come to once in a while to remind me WHY I’m making the tiny decisions right. It isn’t just about looking better but about feeling better and the sense of peace you get from not eating all those foods that alter your sense of well being be it mentally or physically. It’s hard to talk to people about this shift in thinking because they’re still addicted to all of those foods and don’t see the connection like those of us that have found our way through the labrynith of what constitutes nutrition and fitness to freedom from “dieting”. If you escape the Standard American Diet (SAD) you’ll never diet or exercise another day in your life. You feel satisfied by what you eat which makes you feel better and when you feel better you naturally want to do more than sit around and eat…lol Thanks again!
Feb 5, 2015 -
What fantastic results! I am doing my first Whole 30 and love it! Could you tell me what your exercise has been during this time?
May 24, 2015 -
I appreciate your focus on improving your wellness to be healthier for your family. One way our family has done that is by educating ourselves on the use of essential oils to empower us to take control of our health. If you’d like to learn more, I invite you to visit http://www.mydoterra.com/katharinewaggoner
Mar 19, 2016 -
I noticed that there wasn’t any significant changes from May-July and as soon as August came around you look like a completely different person. Why do you think that happened? Did you do something different between July and August? Maybe included exercise?
Oct 3, 2019 -
Death cab for cutie! Congratulations on the progress!