I feel like I have many posts that start with, “today is a special day because”, and today is no exception. 10 years ago on this day, Tristan asked me to marry him. You could definitely say that it was a life-changing moment for both of us. We had been dating for a little over 4 months, and Tristan took me home (Ft. Wayne, IN) to meet his family. On the last day of our visit, we were at the airport, and Tristan told me that he wanted to talk to me. We walked away from our group, and he told me that he loved me, and got down on one knee and asked me THE question! I just remember staring at the black box in his hand (which contained the engagement ring of course), and thinking, “this better not be some sort of joke!”. It was so sweet, and a moment that I will never forget. I could not stop smiling after that! It was also very special, because Tristan’s mom video-taped it for us (from across the room), so we will always have it to watch! I wish that I had the video to share with you, but it is currently on a VHS tape (remember those?), and we haven’t converted it yet – hopefully someday:)
Tristan’s parents are visiting us from Ft. Wayne this week, so it makes it extra special to remember this time! Our kids are currently hanging out with them, and playing with new toys (gifts from the grandparents) in the living room:)
I love you Tristan – thanks for asking me to be your wife.
Stephanie May*
Sara Kreger
Aug 2, 2011 -
I remember this special day! I was there as part of your group! What a happy day indeed :)
Chyrl Kelley
Aug 2, 2011 -
Love that you are in our family.
Aug 2, 2011 -
Let’s definitely get that tape converted! Time flies. So proud of you both and the lives you are living, together, in love. Great choices!
Aug 4, 2011 -
Awe, that’s so sweet! Thank you for the sweet blog comment!
xo, Elsie
Aug 7, 2011 -