We hope that you choke.

It has been weird for me to avoid Stephanie May’s post from yesterday at all costs.  I have not even started watching the newest season of Project Runway…I have no idea when I will get around to it, but I am going to try and not ruin the end for myself.


I have scarves on the brain.  It could be because by some miracle I was in a cleaning mood last night and tackled my bedroom – resulting in my finding and coddling some 50 million scarves.  …okay, you caught me.  I don’t really own 50 million scarves – only 49 million…same diff.

Another reason for the brain full o’ thoughts of scarves this morning could be from the imagery of zombie hands and feet being draped over Rick’s neck on the most recent episode of The Walking Dead(which I just finished late last night).

Whatever the reason might be, I could wear scarves all year long, and as I am typing this – I feel that I may have mentioned this fact before…but now you know it must be true about me.  I grabbed an old coat rack from the basement last night and dragged it to my room, where it now sits with probably around 30 scarves hanging from it.  That is a lot, no?  They are the perfect accessory.  Most days I don’t even put on a pair of earrings or a necklace – just one of my lovely scarves and I am set for the day.










Yeah….they are pretty much the greatest thing ever.