Those Summer Days

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times – I am not a fan of Summer.  Fall is my season – it is head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion – and we all know I’m always right.  Right?

As hot as it has become here in Colorado, and as much as I feel like I am melting a little more everyday, this Summer has been the best one so far that I’ve had in a long time.  It has just been fun.

Here is what’s been happening:

Student hang out time, always fun.

The amount of iced coffee I’ve had recently is…quite ridiculous…but so good.


Protest against stripes…obviously.


Are my brother and his youngest daughter not the cutest thing??

Presents from an almost-2-year-old.

My nephew.  The coolest.

Colorado nows how to do skies.


Playing this lady more – and loving it.

Our liberty is bound together – Invisible Children.

Delicious lattes at Two Rivers Coffee.

There have also been softball games and hanging out around fire pits.  Summertime is lovely this year.  What is your favorite Summertime activity?