Taking lessons on pretty hair

It has taken me a long time to grow my hair past my shoulders.  I had it short-short for about 8 years, and I really liked it, but wanted a big change.  My big change took a few years to achieve because my hair doesn’t grow fast (poo) but I finally got it to my (almost) desired length.  Here are a few recent hairstyles that I’ve sported around town:

I wish I could say that I took advantage of my long locks and did really cool, unique hairstyles everyday, but it happens less often than I would like.  I hope to do a lot more with my hair over the coming months – don’t you just feel so much more productive when your hair is cute?  Here are a few favorite hairstyles for inspiration!  Click on the links below the photos to learn how to achieve the look:

Cute maiden braids.

Soft and romantic twists.

Messy waves.

Yarn twist bun.

Lovely side braid.

Messy side pony tail.


Stephanie May*