I spent the past 2 days painting my living room (from off-white to bright white – I know, jump back!!), and I’m happy to say that I finished today! This is a big deal for a gal like me (you know the type, always starting projects and then letting them sit around for a year), and now I hope I can keep up the momentum and tackle the kitchen next…..why not? But man, I forgot how much work it is to paint a room – I mean, it seems so easy, but now I know why I waited almost 7 years to do it again;)
In honor of my fresh white walls and also that I rescued this adorable beaded sweater from the Halloween racks at the thrift, I took a few selfies today. I love the cuffs on the sweater best – not only are they extra-sparkly, but they velcro close instead of button, AND the shoulder pads were also velcro so I can totally take them out….and then put them back in. You know, whenever I want. Dreams comin’ true over here.
Nov 6, 2013 -
Let’s go to the mall. Oh also, come finish painting my living room…you know, from starting it 6 months ago. Eeee gad.
Stephanie May
Nov 6, 2013 -
Haha I know! That’s usually what I do;) Yes to the mall!
Nov 7, 2013 -
You do look incredibly cute in that sweater:) Storm, you never got your walls finished from Memorial Day?