This week has felt so insanely busy…but really good actually. I feel like I’m losing steam with the whole shoe project. Not the actual wearing different ones each day part, just the photographing and also getting full-body pictures. I haven’t been in the mood lately to actually get ready each day for photos, so I haven’t been. This whole process has been good for me though…in general, I feel better each day having at least put a little thought into what I’m wearing and how I’m doing my hair – even when I don’t get around to doing my make-up. It’s nice to spend time on those things sometimes:)
Day 36 – Friday: Work and hanging out with friends, a little basketball thrown in…it’s okay to play “Horse” in sandals – strappy roman sandals
Day 37 – Saturday: Garage sales and family birthday celebrations – pointy-toed zipper flats(that turned my feet black)
Day 38 – Sunday: Summer music festival work day and hanging around the house – barefoot
Day 39 – Monday: Work, dinner with a friend and house cleaning and decorating night – Adidas graffiti shoes
Day 40 – Tuesday: Work and dinner with a lovely out-of-town guest – green “peter pan” flats
Day 41 – Wednesday: Work and fundraiser dinner – black platform heels
Day 42 – Thursday: Work and packing for Chicago – teal low-top converse
38 pairs of shoes worn so far…no idea how many are left. I started out with 53 but I’ve bought a few pairs since then…can’t help myself. At this point, it’s looking like I still have 3 weeks to go….we are two-thirds done people! And then I will decide which shoes I want to get rid of…because I can’t possibly keep them all and I’m realizing that there are some I will most likely never wear again anyway, so someone else deserves to have them.
I am leaving today to head to Chicago for the weekend…family reunion time baby! Do you have family reunions? What is the best place you’ve ever had one?
Stormie Dae
Jun 24, 2011 -
Yay! You wore the green flats:) Yes, I will definitely take some of your shoes off of your hands – seriously!
Chyrl Kelley
Jun 25, 2011 -
You look fabulous in the close-up with the large rimmed glasses. I love that picture of you.