Big news!

Hello lovelies – I have some super big and exciting news to share with you!  I have been contemplating waiting a bit before sharing…but I’m too excited so I’m just going to come out with it….

I’m getting a house!!!!  I have been looking at this house for months now, and absolutely fell in love with it.  I made an offer on it last month and at the last second was outbid by someone else.  To say I was bummed is an understatement.  I have looked at upwards of 10 other houses after I lost this one but none of them compared.  Then on Saturday, I got a phone call that the other people fell through and the family was accepting my offer.  WOOOOHOOOOOOOO!

We still have to do the inspections and all that so it’s not technically mine yet….but we should be closing in a month and I couldn’t be more excited!  I am so ridiculously in love with my little 1919 bungalow…it is divine.  I can’t wait to start posting decor ideas and things I implement in my new home, it is going to be so much fun!  Aren’t YOU so excited too?!?!  I knew you would be…:)

Unfortunately, with my good news…came the flu.  I have been fighting this blasted sickness since Friday and it finally hit…HARD…yesterday.  I’m just hoping I can get past it soon so I can spend more time packing and getting ready to move next month.  Regardless, I am in a fantastic mood and will be for a LONG time!


Stormie Dae