Rodarte. I love these sisters.
They have become one of my all-time favorite design teams because I work with my sister. We love to make things beautiful, quirky, and fun, and honestly, we love it. We have our moments of doubt, panic, and frustration (the project we are working on now is kicking our butts), but at the end of the day, we are getting to do what we crave – together. We really can’t ask for more than that.
Back to Rodarte:
I can’t stop looking at their clothes. Here is a glimpse of their tights and leggings, but believe me, there will be much much more to come. Alright? Ok.
I must have a pair of their torn, ripped, trashed tights and these cutout leggings.
Mar 9, 2010 -
tights, yes. torn, even better.
Mar 9, 2010 -
Now my wardrobe consists of a yellow cardigan and torn tights. I am a fashion icon.
Mar 9, 2010 -
maybe add some fringe to your wardrobe and you’ll be all set. :)
Mar 10, 2010 -
Tristan – I can hook you up with the fringe!
Mar 10, 2010 -
I see cheesecloth. I have always been a fan of the texture of it, especially sort of pulled and tugged and mis-shapened. I think it could be aa scarf…and now I thing you should try making tights of it.
MayDae » I’ve run out of clever ‘tights’ titles.:: Fashion, Design, Decor
Sep 30, 2011 -
[…] incredibly chilly season as Stephanie May and I have already talked about tights here, here and here. It’s a weakness, it absolutely can’t be […]