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MayDae turns 3 {and turns a corner}

MayDae turns 3 {and turns a corner}

Today is the 3-year-anniversary of the very first post here on MayDae.  When Stormie and I started this blog, I’m not sure if we thought that it would last this long – ha!  3 years and 750 posts later, here we are…..well, here I am….

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You’re my valentine.

You’re my valentine.

I hope you won’t mind that I’m using today’s post as a little love letter to my husband. Dear Tristan, I just want to say, thank you for being my valentine for the past 11 years.  Whether we go out, stay in, eat cheap, or…

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Cleaning up and clearing out

Cleaning up and clearing out

The spring cleaning bug has hit me already.  Ever since Christmas, I have been getting a little irritated with the amount of “stuff” around the house.  Books, clothes, toys, kitchen tools and gadgets, and all of the wonderful crap that accumulates in every nook and cranny….

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No, no – we haven’t forgotten about you. Okay…maybe we did a little bit.  It’s Christmas time – forgive us?  Stephanie May and I have been hard at work having fun this holiday season, and it will only continue. Two weeks ago our dad directed…

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The season of blurs

The season of blurs

I hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family and love.  Stephanie May and I spent it with our parents, siblings, and close friends at our mom and dad’s house.  We ate, laughed, played Balderdash, laughed some more and then Stephanie and I…

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On grateful giving

On grateful giving

Lately I’ve been seeing my friends listing things that they are thankful for on Twitter, Instagram, and FaceBook.  I’ve been thinking a lot about this and what I am truly thankful for.  The obvious things are my husband, kids, family, ect…,but to be honest I…

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Sad turn

Sad turn

Once again, Colorado has robbed us of Fall.  Blast it all.  The forecast is for snow for the next few days.  I’m not really a huge fan of snow – but I’m currently hanging with my sister, drinking hot chocolate and watching one of the…

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Has anyone else noticed that October is half over already?!  I feel as though I haven’t started my fall to-do list and the next couple weeks are so incredibly busy.  Guess it’s time to choose the most important, and they will hopefully be the most…

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I got nothin

I got nothin

Has this been a super weird week for anyone else?  Just so…weird. It’s been a week when, everytime  I try to write, just – nothing.  Blogging, emails – everything…I don’t feel like I can articulate any of the thousands of thoughts running through my head….

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Rain, rain, stay today

Rain, rain, stay today

It’s been super rainy and gorgeous here in Colorado the past few days, and I think we can safely say that fall has arrived!  This weather reminds me so much of our time in London a few months ago.  Umbrellas were used daily, and the…

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