301 Moved Permanently

I’m here, I’m here!

I’m here, I’m here!

Contrary to popular belief, I do still contribute to this here blog…sometimes.  I don’t know what happened this week – I just completely spaced you lovely people, please forgive.  This weekend is absolutely PACKED full of craziness, I’m tired just thinking about it but so…

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Insert title here.

Insert title here.

Hello friends. Isn’t this bag to die for?  Good news is, you don’t have to die to get it – this beauty will be listed in our Etsy shop soon soon!  That is, of course, if I don’t decide to keep it for myself before…

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Have you seen me?

Have you seen me?

I was just looking at our Etsy shop stock last night and realizing that we have SO many new and lovely things just hanging out.  Have you looked around our shop recently?  Here are some of the newer items that were added during our Listing…

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Are you proud of us?

Are you proud of us?

We started our Listing a Day Challenge on March 1st, and we only have 2 days to go!  So far, we’ve done 29 listings in our MayDae shop, and I’ve done 29 listings in my Fibbie shop.  It’s been hard to keep up (especially on…

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Listing a Day Challenge

Listing a Day Challenge

We opened our vintage shop, MayDae on Etsy almost 2 years ago (wow!), but we will admit that it hasn’t been our biggest priority as of late.  We love selling on Etsy, but things get busy and sometimes our shop gets put on the back…

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Chicken Dinner…

Chicken Dinner…

No, this post is not about what I consumed for dinner tonight (although I did have chicken).  Do you remember this post from back in August?  Stephanie and I had a “friendly bet” going on which pair of these shoes from our shop would sell…

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After the break

After the break

Our Etsy shop has been a little neglected the past few months with our sister’s wedding and Christmas, etc.  We finally were able to schedule a photoshoot last weekend for all the new pretty dresses & other items we’ve had piling up. These will be…

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Ready to start buying gifts?  We have some cute new items in our vintage shop – take a look…we think you will like them:)

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New new!

New new!

We’ve got lots of new beauties over in our MayDae shop, so head over and take a looksey! Don’t you just love vintage? ♥

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Shop MayDae!

Shop MayDae!

We’re having a ginormous sale over at MayDae!  The sale will only last till next week, so hurry hurry and buy something pretty:) Also, don’t forget to enter in our vintage giveaway. Stormie Dae is still in South Dakota at our cousin’s wedding, and speaking…

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