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Meeting our newest family member

Meeting our newest family member

Last night we went to the hospital to meet our newest family member!  Our sister and brother-in-law are adopting a sweet baby boy that was born on January 9th.  Malakai (Kai) Hatcher Powers.  He was almost 6 weeks early – 5 lbs, 4 oz and…

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These kids ♥

These kids ♥

    I wanted to take unique, fun photos of my 3 kids this week, and I think I achieved it!  I used white  poster board, lipstick, tea cups, some fake reading glasses, and an ornery little puppy to create them. I love them.  The…

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Handmade ♥ from my girls

Handmade ♥ from my girls

Tristan and I celebrated our 11th anniversary last week, and we spent the past 2 days in downtown Denver sleeping, eating,  shopping, and relaxing.  The kids (and Tuppy) stayed at my parent’s house, which is always a good time for them as they get to…

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11 years ago today

11 years ago today

December 27th, 2001 is the most important (and favorite) date in my life. It marks the day that I married Tristan, and we officially started our family. Our marriage has not been perfect.  We both have flaws (yes, even me!), have said and done hurtful…

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I’ve been adding lots of goodies to my children’s vintage shop – FIBBIE.  Gemma is often one of my models for the photos, and here are a few of my favorites from the shoot: She’s so cute and cooperative.  Such a great combo:) {I’ll be…

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Being married and micro-dating

Being married and micro-dating

I love going on dates with my husband.  This probably seems pretty obvious to most couples, but I’m always surprised when married friends tell me that they only go on a few dates a year.  Tristan and I are in a very fortunate situation –…

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Happy Birthday to him

Happy Birthday to him

Today is Tristan’s birthday!  Geez Louise, how handsome is he? When we first met, we were “friends” for a few months before we became official boyfriend and girlfriend.  But, I always always always secretly liked him.  He was just this amazing guy.  Smart, extremely stylish,…

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Those Summer Days

Those Summer Days

If I’ve said it once, I’ve said it a thousand times – I am not a fan of Summer.  Fall is my season – it is head and shoulders above the rest in my opinion – and we all know I’m always right.  Right? As…

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I turned 30

I turned 30

I told you it would happen, and yes, it’s true.  I’m officially 30!  I had an amazing birthday!  I had 3 birthday blogs written for me – one from Tristan, one from Stormie Dae, and one from my Mom so you should go and read…

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It’s a May birthday.

It’s a May birthday.

This is Stephanie: She is my big sister, and today is her 30th birthday.  She wrote her feelings on turning the big 3-0 here.  I think I felt worse about turning 26 a few weeks ago than she does…methinks I’ve got something to learn from…

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