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Caffeine Crawl – Denver

Caffeine Crawl – Denver

I attended the Denver Caffeine Crawl this year, and it was so. much. fun.  I have wanted to do one of these crawls for a couple years now, and I was so excited that it worked out, because what can be better than a whole day…

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How To: Cold Brew Coffee

How To: Cold Brew Coffee

Who loves cold brew as much as I do?  The weather is unbearably hot this week and I just can’t bring myself to drink hot coffee, so I’ve been cold brewin’ it up around here, and it’s been utter bliss. I bought this vintage Toddy…

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I turned 32

I turned 32

It’s been over a month and I’m just finally posting about my birthday – ooopsy:)  Better late than never right?  I had a great birthday as always, full of paleo treats (and a couple non-paleo ones), yummy coffee, and lots of time with my favorite…

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Our Spring Break 2014

Our Spring Break 2014

Last week was our Spring Break from school, and we had a busy one!  We filled our days with lots of special treats and adventures – it was tiring and fun and hectic, and it is definitely bittersweet that the kids are already back in…

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You & You & Me

You & You & Me

This weekend I had to get a new cord for my iPhone 5 – this is the second cord that I’ve gone through in the past 8 months and both times they have gotten a short in them and just won’t charge anymore.  The good…

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Coffee For Two ♥

Coffee For Two ♥

My little sister Stormie and I went on a coffee date today to Novo Coffee on 6th Ave. in Denver.  We don’t usually get to have weekday coffee dates together since Stormie is such a hard-worker and always does the responsible thing and goes to…

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