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A MayDae Excursion

A MayDae Excursion

Hello lovelies!  It’s the middle of the week and in our fair state, today is FINALLY going to feel like Fall!  I’m crossing my fingers that the predicted 67 degree high will be a reality.  It’s a happy happy day for MayDae! (except maybe that…

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Get in another line.

Get in another line.

Hello friends!  Make way for an ultra short post, as my husband Tristan is leaving tomorrow morning for a week.  He is going to Austria, and I will be staying behind with our 3 kiddos.  I will miss him terribly and I am trying to…

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Giant favorites

Giant favorites

I hope you like really really big photos, because all of my photos today are just too beautiful to keep in a small size.  I am swooning over this embroidery hoop wall art.  Love the colors, and different patterns of each one.  SO cool! I’m…

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Etsy Picks: Vintage Camera Love

Etsy Picks: Vintage Camera Love

Dear Monday, We are once again thrilled that you have arrived!  You usually represent the dreaded early morning, and a work pile the size of  Neptune, but you also lovingly represent our favorite part of the blogging week:  Etsy Picks.  We love to sift through…

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Apparently I’ve been in the dark ages

Apparently I’ve been in the dark ages

I have heard of Nylon Magazine, I’ve even visited their website a few times – but I didn’t really get it until I picked up a copy as I was breezing past the magazine section at the grocery store a few nights ago.  I knew…

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I want to be a real person rather than a wooden one.

I want to be a real person rather than a wooden one.

Do you remember your collections from childhood?  A few of mine included Pooh Bear(seriously, how did my friends talk me into that one?!), frogs, bunnies – I’m seeing a pattern with the animal thing.  Barbies of course and Star Wars – that is a collection…

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No….I can’t.

No….I can’t.

Can I help it if I like feminine and cute, however NOT “girly” tattoos? Can I help it if I adore bright colors? Can I help it that I am over the moon about DIY inspired tattoos? *Except not actually DIY because I’m sure that…

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I don’t know what I want to say, but it better be good.

I don’t know what I want to say, but it better be good.

Hi friends!  My post today is short and (hopefully) sweet.  I find each of these images to be incredibly inspiring, and I hope that you like them: This wedding makes me want to do mine all over again.  Breathtaking. This scarf is huge and glorious….

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Etsy Picks:  Red

Etsy Picks: Red

Is anyone else looking forward to Fall BIG time?  MayDae is uber excited to say goodbye to the 90 degree weather and start cozying up in colorful layers, boots, coats, and tights.  Our Etsy Picks for this week are featuring some awesome sellers that all…

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Etsy Picks:  Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Etsy Picks: Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog

Good morning wonderful readers!  It is that special time of week when we (the sisterly team of MayDae) bring you an assortment of finds from our favorite online shopping source – Etsy.com.  This week’s inspiration?  Joss Whedon’s Dr. Horrible’s Sing-along Blog.  If you haven’t watched…

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