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Etsy Picks:  Just another mustache Monday

Etsy Picks: Just another mustache Monday

Hi kids!  Welcome to another wonderful Monday where we each hand pick our favorite Etsy merchandise.  This week’s theme: the mustache.  Isn’t it grand?  Oh, and be sure to come back tomorrow to enter in our new giveaway from a spectacular (and familiar) Etsy seller….

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Etsy Picks:  Favorites

Etsy Picks: Favorites

Good morning dear friends!  We are fastly approaching our one-year anniversary of blogging(fastly approaching = tomorrow) but we are affectionately referring to it as our Blog Birthday (yes!). Today we wanted do a recap of our all-time favorite Etsy items from the last year!  A…

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We need your help!

We need your help!

MayDae is quickly approching our 1-year anniversary of our blog (yay!), which means that we’ve also been doing our Etsy Picks posts for just as long.  We can hardly believe that it’s been almost a whole year, and we have so enjoyed the “work” of…

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Etsy Picks:  Shed some light on the subject.

Etsy Picks: Shed some light on the subject.

Hello!  Happy Monday, and happy Etsy Picks day!  We spent the weekend going to and fro, drinking iced Starbucks (vanilla latte for May and caramel macchiato for Dae), and getting new items ready for our shop, which should be up by tomorrow (yay yay yay!)….

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Etsy picks: Earrings

Etsy picks: Earrings

Happy, wonderful Monday to you all!  At this very moment, the sisterly team of MayDae is headed into Manhattan for a few days of shopping, eating, and photo opting.  Check back this week for photos and updates and enjoy this week’s Etsy.com picks of our…

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