A stitch in time saves nine.

Happy Jump Day friends!  Don’t forget, random jumping is a plus today!  I have decided(after a lot of other people decided and told me) that embroidery and cross-stitch are fun again, or anything with embroidery hoops in general.  I will have to see if I can find my amazing pirate ship cross-stitch from 7th grade.  Or maybe I will just try some of these:

An embroidery hoop within an embroidery hoop – genius.  Workshop here.

You can purchase this beauty here.

So simple yet lovely.  (Source)

From the people that brought you Morrissey.  These hot air balloons are to die for!

This “Say Cheese” pattern is so cute!


Custom heart embroidery from Miniature Rhino

And for those who don’t have time to sit and embroider, here is a fantastic tutorial for faux embroidery!

Look out people, this could be my major Christmas project for this year!  And just for fun, here are some wonderful Fall decorations and tutorials which both just happen to be from Martha Stewart.  The lady knows what she’s doing.

Hanging leaves.

Wha?!?!  Yes, you see correctly…these are lace patterned pumpkins!  You can also use squash…freaking fantastic.