Listening: Son Lux {Lanterns}

A couple weeks ago, Son Lux came out with his new album – “Lanterns“, and I have been listening to it non-stop ever since.  I was so excited in the weeks leading up to Lanterns, and it doesn’t disappoint.  Guys, you know that I already love his music, but this album makes me love it so. much. more.
son lux ryan lott lanterns joyful noise 2013
son lux ryan lott lanterns joyful noise 2013 son lux ryan lott lanterns joyful noise 2013 son lux ryan lott lanterns joyful noise 2013

My favorite songs on the album are “Lost it to Trying” and “No Crimes”.  I love the incorporated vocals of Lily and Madeleine on those songs – really grateful to find out about them through this album.  Ryan Lott seems to believe that he is not a “good” singer, but geez.  He is.  And he understands how to use his voice in the best way possible.  He also writes incredible melodies that stick with you in a really good way.

Hear for yourself:

Buy & Buy

Happy listening!